
Established in 1934, our client is a renowned organization based in Pune, India, with significant operations in sugar production, liquor manufacturing, and rural land development. The client embarked on a project to establish a distillery with a capacity of 60 KLD. The Raw Spent Wash (RSW) generated from the fermentation and distillation processes is acidic and contains high concentrations of COD and BOD. Consequently, it required treatment to achieve Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) as mandated by the Pollution Control Board Authority.


Following comprehensive technical discussions with the client, ABC Co. proposed an anaerobic biodigester solution to treat 600 m³ per day of Raw Spent Wash and recover biogas. The RSW treatment system implemented by ABC Co. included:

  • Pre-Treatment: Initial processes to prepare the RSW for further treatment.
  • CSTR-Type LESAR Digester: This Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor effectively facilitates anaerobic digestion.
  • De-Gasifier: To remove excess gases.
  • Lamella Clarifier: For efficient solid-liquid separation.
  • Pre-Aeration Tank: To enhance the treatment process.
  • Secondary Clarifier: For further purification of the effluent.

The treated wastewater is directed to the existing CDRO system for additional treatment, ensuring compliance with ZLD requirements. The generated biogas is desulfurized and utilized in a gas engine to generate power, with excess biogas used as fuel in the boiler, delivering significant power and fuel savings for the client.

A biogas handling system was implemented to store the generated biogas for future use, along with a flare stack to manage excess gas and mitigate air pollution. Safety features, including pressure relief and vacuum relief mechanisms, were installed, along with manometers and pressure gauges to maintain consistent pressure within the digester.

Additionally, the solids produced from the treatment process are repurposed for composting and sold as fertilizer, adding further value to the operation.

Raw Spent Wash Parameters Considered for Design